Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Market Update - 6 Sep 2010

Dear friends,

As of 3 Sep 2010, Friday, the S& P 500 index is pushing towards the 200DMA. It seems destine to test the resistance level at 1130.

On the other hand, the DOW has touched the 200DMA after closing at 10,447.93 on 3 Sep 2010. Its next level of resistance will be at 10,700.


Tony Chai


Anonymous said...

Very Interesting!
Thank You!

Investor said...

important to read market updates. We need to learn how to read properly to predict where market is going.

Please keep updating your views, so i can learn from you.

Tony Chai said...

Dear Investor,

Thank you for dropping by my site.

The market is unpredictable. You must use your own judgment too.


Tony Chai