Wednesday, March 18, 2009

ES Trading - 18 Mar 09

Dear fellow traders :

Still training up on my ES index futures intra-day trading with paper trading. Controlled myself to avoid going in between 9.30am to 10.00am EST. This time tried using pivot points to gauge the possible support & resistance while still using indicators to time my entry & exit. Called it a day after netting $150 per contract.


Tony Chai


Option Maestro said...

Hey you have a really cool blog and an inspirational story! I am glad I found your blog. I am 22 years old, and I pay for my schooling (have thus far anyway with God's help) by trading options. I have been blogging about certain strategies and ideas I've had. I started my blog as a way to keep track of my ideas, and present it to graduate schools when I apply and employers. I am wondering if you can give me any pointers. I see you are a seasoned pro at trading options and blogging. I would like to get better at both. You can view my latest post at:

and my blog is I appreciate your input!

Tony Chai said...

Hi :

Thanks for dropping by my blog.

I have posted my comments regarding your Visa trade in your blog.

Take care,

Tony Chai